Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Contest Results

The poll for the contest closed on Friday, with entry #1 way in the lead. Entry #1 was amazing, really, and Nicole H., who submitted it, clearly put a lot of work into it and deserves the $25 Amazon giftcard I sent her yesterday.

However, I wrote in the post, that I didnt want this to be a popularity contest, but that is quickly what it became when an anti-me site encouraged everyone to come vote for #1. Oddly enough, my readers really liked entry #3. Why is it fair for people who dont like me to got to decide the fate of my childrens room when I was giving the choice over to my readers, who went for entry #3?

Heres a breakdown of what went on the comments.

There were 63 comments.

There were 19 comments for entry #3.

There were 13 comments for entry #1.

The other comments were a mix of support for other entries and various general suggestions.

There was a recurring suggestion of combining #1 and #3, so that is what I am going to do.

I am still trying to work out the exact spacing of the four-tier bunk and Im thinking of making it three-tiered with a trundle and am considering how to fit a small platform below the bottom bunk if it stays four-tiered.

Since it is unclear who would have won had there not been interference, I sent out a bonus $5 gift card to the runner up, Entry #3.

Mattresses, Mattresses, Mattresses

As some of you who keep up on the gossip forums know, I recieved the mattress from a reader. Sending something for my boys was a kind gesture. It was a crib mattress, though, and I am building the bunk beds to different dimensions. We are planning on keeping Thomas in our bed until he is ready to join the boys in the big-boy-bed. Thus, I am selling the mattress and any money we get will be put toward the boys room.

Credit for the Entries:

Entry #1 - Nicole H

Entry #2 - Christena

Entry #3 - Andrea M

Entry #4 - Emily (me)

Entry #5 - Pattys husband

More credit for more entries:

Im going to do an idea round-up including the neat ideas I got in the form of submissions. It may even turn into a short series because there were so many good ideas. If those who submitted an entry have a blog and would like some linky-love, please send me the address to your blog from the same email address you sent the submission. Then, when I showcase your neato idea, Ill include a link to your blog so people can see some of your other neato thoughts and ideas.

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